Join us in witnessing the artistic intervention of 16 talented creators amidst the Gaza war at the 'Conscience of Art' exhibition during this special edition of Karama 14 HRFF.
Explore diverse artistic expressions at the annual 'Conscience of Art' exhibition during Karama 14 HRFF. As this year, in a special Palestine edition, 18 Jordanian and International artists intervening with powerful works reflecting the harsh realities of the war on Gaza along with our special featured guest for this year Mr. Mike V. Derderian
In a world diverted to one nation, Gaza, those talented artists are displaying a new wave of revolutionary art at Karama 14 HRFF Art Exhibition, and Mike will be sharing for the first time some special artwork dedicated to Gaza.
This unique collective artwork of is an artistic protest for the ongoing genocide in Gaza, is a united artistic collective conscience through various mediums in this year's 'Conscience of Art' exhibition at Karama HRFF.
Also,among with our guest artists, the Atelier of The Id & City Project is taking a part in this year’s exhibition by showcasing 8 of its young artists from the pencil & charcoal art workshop lead by the Jordanian artist Salam Kanaan, where they reflected their thoughts in a beautiful charcoal paintings to the war on Gaza, presenting a poignant reflection at the special artwork
The exhibition is open to public starting 5th of December untill the 11th of December.