When: 10th April 2018
Where: BOZAR Centre for Fine Arts, Brussels, Rotunda Bertouille
On April 10th 2018 SouthMed CV holds its final conference in partnership with BOZAR Centre for Fine Arts in Brussels. SouthMed CV brings culture from the margins to the centre of the public sphere in the Southern Mediterranean, and explore its potential impact on economic, social and political development strategies.
This event is organised by Interarts, under the Patronage of Her Majesty Queen Noor Al Hussein of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, represented by Her Royal Highness Princess Wijdan bint Fawwaz Al Hashemi. The conference is composed of an open session and a closed event.
This conference marks the end of an intensive three year process of the SouthMed CV project. The public and invitees will discover the achievements of SouthMed CV and its 38 sub-granted projects that have enhanced the idea that culture can have a social, economic and political impact in the Southern Mediterranean, thus contributing to the sustainable human development of the region.
Inspiring cultural change-makers from Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco and Palestine share how cultural and artistic projects impact human rights and civic engagement in the public sphere. The event will also include the presentation of the printed book ‘MAHATTAT’ (‚Stations’) which illustrates the cultural dynamics that animated the southern shore of the Mediterranean from 2015 to 2018 through the prism of SouthMed CV.
Closed session 11:30 - 14:00
The opening of the closed session is held in the presence of Her Royal Highness Princess Wijdan bint Fawwaz Al Hashemi of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, representatives of BOZAR, Interarts, and the EU, co-funder of the SouthMed CV within the framework of the regional programme Med Culture. Key speeches will be held by Oussama Rifahi (Board Member, Arab Fund for Arts and Culture, Lebanon) and Ferdinand Richard (Chairman, Roberto Cimetta Fund, France). This closed event unites the SouthMed CV consortium, representatives of the European Commission and the diplomatic corps in Belgium, alongside with experts and cultural operators from Jordan, Egypt, Tunisia, Morocco, Lebanon, Palestine and Europe.
Open event 16:00 - 18:00
During this public event, SouthMed CV sub-grantees will present best practice showcases on how culture has positively influenced on raising awareness on human rights issues, on re-thinking the processes of urban planning, on creating civic engagement platforms for young people, on contributing to the economic development through the professionalisation of cultural operators, as well as on promoting South-South cooperation.
Lina Attel (Director, The National Centre for Culture and Arts of King Hussein Foundation, Jordan) and Mercedes Giovinazzo (Director, Interarts, Spain) will close the day by sharing the conclusions on this project.
Note for the editor
In April 2015, Interarts (Spain) in collaboration with BAC Art Centre (Tunisia), Gudran for Art and Development (Egypt), Khayal Arts & Education (Lebanon), the National Centre for Culture and Arts King Hussein Foundation - NCCA (Jordan) and the German Commission for UNESCO - DUK (Germany) initiated the “Communities of practice for the public value of culture in the Southern Mediterranean – SouthMed CV” project co-funded by the European Commission in the framework of the regional programme Med Culture.
For further information on the final conference and SouthMed CV click this LINK
The closed session and public event at the Rotunda Bertouille of BOZAR Centre for Fine Arts, Brussels
Date & time
10th April 2018
Closed session 11:30 - 14:00
Public event 16:00 - 18:00
Press accreditation & interview planning
Please contact our press officer Mascha Ihwe for accreditation, photo material and interview
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