For one day, a father exchanges his role with his daughter.
Director's Bio:
At first glance, nothing predestined Cédrick to become an author, actor and director. Graduated engineer Arts and Crafts (ENSAM Lille), then engineer works at Eurovia for 2 years, he could have had a career all traced in construction. But that would have been without counting on his devouring passion for artistic creation. Ever since he was a child, he loved acting, creating and inventing stories. During his teenage years, every summer, with his childhood friends, Cédrick made amateur short or medium-length films (at the time with a HI8 camera, two VCRs and a mixer). At arts and crafts, while taking acting classes, he manages his school's video workshop and directed more than thirty amateur short films.
But his real tipping is made, thanks to his various teachers who gives him confidence and pushes him to make this turn 180 degrees. Thus, in November 2003, following the proposal of the management of the company LA REINE BLANCHE, Cédrick left his life as an engineer to become a complete artist. Since then he has lived on his passion at two hundred percent.
He has performed in more than twenty plays, classic and modern with tours throughout France, including "Chantier forbidden to the Public", a play written by him on safety in construction, for which he won the VINCI Innovation Award.
He has shot in some fifty short films, and has directed a dozen. He has starred in several TV films (The Sea at Dawn, The Assassin...), and pub (UGC, Gametoo, FFF...). In 2013, he performed "Gilles de Ray", the lead role in Erick Dick's feature film "MONSTRUM", released in cinemas in February 2014. He has won 21 awards including 5 acting awards for the web series "SELF STORY" which he co-directed with Lucas Rue and played the lead role. In 2017, he will play the lead roles in four feature films: "VENUS OBSCURA" by Christophe Karabache (44 awards including 2 for best feature actor), "A DÉNOMMÉ HOMME PLUME" by Erick Dick (11 awards including one for best actor), "3 DAYS IN SEPTEMBER" by Nathan Ambrosioni, and "MEMORIA" by Marceau Uguen. Lately he created his youtube channel "cedrick spinassou"