In the wake of the devastating 7th of October attacks, the documentary "The Evidence" investigates war crimes committed by Israel against the Palestinian population. The documentary focuses on the use of white phosphorus by Israel, which is a banned weapon under international law. The film assembles a powerful team of human rights experts, including former Human Rights Watch executive director Kenneth Roth, UN Special Rapporteur on the Occupied Palestinian Territories Francesca Albanese, and international criminal and humanitarian law specialist Toby Cadman.
Through interviews with these experts, human rights organizations and an ex-Israel Defense Force officer, "The Evidence" meticulously examines the evidence to uncover the truth behind human rights violations. The documentary aims to shed light on the human cost of war and hold those responsible accountable for their actions.
Atakan Kerkuklu is an award-winning director, producer and filmmaker. He has many years’ experience working on the conflict zones, especially on the Karabakh conflict. Atakan has also worked as the lead creative art director of media and social media contents for Turkish Ministry of Tourism as well as Communications Department of Presidential Office of Turkiye. His specialties are international relations, security studies, policy and communications.