Memory Minka

Screenplay, Direction & Edition: Luis Cintora  Co-production: Peru-Spain  Song: Rosa Llamocca
Music: Evan Jones/TryTachyon  Production: Proyectos Sociales Ahoraonunca in collaboration with ANFASEP.

ANFASEP (the Association of relatives of the missing in Peru) organises a minka (communal task) in the area of La Hoyada in Ayacucho, where hundreds of civilians were executed extrajudicially, incinerated or buried in clandestine graves by members of the Peruvian army during the eighties.

Director's Bio:
Luis Cintora (Málaga, Spain). Over the last decade, he has been involved in Human Rights projects in countries such as Peru, Chile, Spain, Mongolia, Argelia or Somalia. He has produced a documentary film series on the Peruvian internal armed conflict, including "Las Huellas del Sendero" and “Te Saludan Los Cabitos”, which have been screened and received awards at prestigious international film festivals.
He has also worked at the memory department of the Peruvian Forensic Anthropology Team in Lima, at the Memory & Human Rights Museum in Santiago de Chile and collaborated with other Human Rights organisations, victims’ associations and communities affected by violence in Peru.
He is currently pursuing his filmmaking activity in Human Rights, conflict and memory issues.