05 Dec '18 ( 07:00 PM - 10:00 PM ) Conscience of Art -Rand AbdelNour Fahrelnissa Zeid Hall Amman native Rand AbdelNour, MFA in painting and drawing, is the head of department of Fine and Per... Gallery
05 Dec '18 ( 07:00 PM - 10:00 PM ) Conscience of Art - Jenna Sharaf Fahrelnissa Zeid Hall Jenna Sharaf, a senior at King’s Academy, lives in Jordan and has Lebanese origins. She hopes... Gallery
05 Dec '18 ( 07:00 PM - 10:00 PM ) Conscience of Art - Rand Said Fahrelnissa Zeid Hall Rand Said grew up in San Francisco and is currently a senior at King's Academy where she has been d... Gallery
05 Dec '18 ( 07:00 PM - 10:00 PM ) Conscience of Art - Sara Nahhas Fahrelnissa Zeid Hall Sara Nahhas, a King’s Academy alumna, is Palestinian-Jordanian, currently studying at McGill ... Gallery